Viewing Stats | Bluehost Support
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Viewing Stats


We offer two different applications to view your site statistics those are AWStats and Webalizer. The stats programs will start gathering information once enabled. This article explains how to view stats in AWStats and Webalizer.


Awstats is an application that produces visual statistics reports about the visitors to your website.


  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.
  2. Click on the Advanced tab from the side navigation menu to the left.
  3. Scroll down and look for the Metrics section.
  4. Click the Awstats. 


  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.
  2. Scroll down to the Statistics section of the cPanel.
  3. Click Awstats


Webalizer is a complex statistic program that produces a variety of charts and graphs about who has visited your site.


  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.
  2. Click on the Advanced tab from the side navigation menu to the left.
  3. Scroll down and look for the Metrics section.
  4. Click the Webalizer. 


  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.
  2. Scroll down to the Statistics section of the cPanel.
  3. Click the Webalizer. 

Viewing Site Statistics

  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.
  2. Scroll down to the Statistics section of the cPanel.
  3. Choose AWStats or Webalizer.
  4. Select the website you want to see the stats on, then click the View button.

This will give you a vast amount of detailed information about your domain.

Here are some terminologies inside the Awstats and Webalizer that you will encounter when checking the Awstats Report.

  • Unique Visitors: The unique number of visitors you had to your website.
  • Number of Visits: The total number of websites visited based on all unique visitors. 
  • Pages:  The total number of full pages that have been viewed.
  • Hits: The total number of hits for resources.
  • Bandwidth: A total load of bandwidth that was consumed based on the ratio of website requests.

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us via Chat or Phone:

  • Chat Support - While on our website, you should see a CHAT bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. Click anywhere on the bubble to begin a chat session.
  • Phone Support -
    • US: 888-401-4678
    • International: +1 801-765-9400

You may also refer to our Knowledge Base articles to help answer common questions and guide you through various setup, configuration, and troubleshooting steps.